When it’s time to create or revise your law firm’s online marketing plan, there are many important considerations to make. Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in buzzwords and social media hype, but the key to successful law firm marketing is first identifying the types of cases you want and what you want to spend to get them. A good marketing firm can provide you with the statistics and analytics to ensure every dollar spent on advertising is worth it. Here are some first steps to take when designing your firm’s online marketing plan for 2018.
Identify Your Potential Clients
Whether you’re developing an online marketing strategy or any other type of media, you have to identify your target client base. If you don’t know exactly the type of person you want to attract to your firm, then you’ll have a difficult time knowing what type of content to produce and what their actual needs are. It’s a good idea to create a profile of your favorite or most profitable clients. What’s their age? Where do they live? Is there something that happens in their life that makes them need to look for an attorney? Do you have pages built out concerning the types of cases you try? Are the keywords you’re using on your website the same as what your clients and potential clients are using?
Take Advantage of Local Search
When you are first starting out, it may be difficult for your website content to rank on page 1 of Google because the larger, more visited websites take precedence. A great way to combat this is to utilize Google My Business and Bing Places for Business. These interactive online directories will help you show up when people search for your firm or firms like yours in organic search and also in maps. Being as specific as possible regarding your location, services and contact info can help drive more qualified leads to your firm.
Answer a Client’s Question Before It’s Asked
People want to find answers on their own nowadays. Even if your law firm offers a free consultation, chances are a potential client will do their own research, no matter how credible the resources are. But with the right law firm marketing strategy, a potential client can hear, read or see your message clearly and know exactly who to contact. How you present the information they need and how in-depth it is will go a long way in providing the answers to a person’s question before they even have to ask. Think of the top questions your clients ask you on a regular basis, do you have blogs on your site that answer those? Do you have information concerning the cases you’re trying to give a potential client an idea of how you can help them?
Focus on The Data
The more data you can collect from your online marketing campaigns, the better the whole picture will come together. Just putting a Google AdWords campaign up and waiting for the phone to ring isn’t enough. You need to have a system in place to know where a prospective client comes from, when they turn into a lead, how that lead is processed, and how to track new cases back to lead source and cost. Having all of these components in complete alignment is sometimes difficult for a law firm to achieve on their own. With so many moving parts, statistics and analytics to study, working with an online marketing professional is sometimes the best option for a law firm to ensure no details are missed.
Morgan & Co. has helped dozens of law firms with various practice areas grow their business efficiently using strategic marketing plans. Our marketing strategies are designed to help every law firm we work with get the highest ROI and create a stable foundation for future marketing efforts. To learn more about how our services can benefit your law firm, contact us today.