Issuing a request for opportunity (RFO) is a vital step when planning a digital campaign, and its importance cannot be undervalued. The purpose of an RFO is to provide digital vendors an understanding of the brand’s goals, needs and what we want to accomplish through the advertising campaign. In doing so, we increase the vendor’s ability to submit a proposal that can strengthen the upcoming media plan. Depending on the campaign, RFOs may go out to a wide range of digital vendors. As such, the Morgan & Co. digital team receives our fair share of proposals from potential vendors. Here’s how you can make your proposal stand out.
What makes you different?
If we were to take away one thing from your proposal, what would it be? Make sure to include how you’re different from all the other digital vendors out there. For example, do you have exclusive partners or publishers? Whatever your differentiator is, make sure it comes across loud and clear in your proposal.
How do you fit into our campaign’s strategy?
Based on the goals and objectives stated in the RFO, what value would your inclusion on the media plan bring to our overall campaign strategy? How would you most efficiently increase our client’s ROI?
How will you deliver on our key performance indicators (KPIs)?
Include KPIs in your RFOs because that is how the client will ultimately define and measure success. Whether the main KPI is click-through rate, cost per session, landing page events, etc., acknowledging how you’ll successfully deliver on KPIs is critical to the overall success of the campaign.
Who is your audience?
While the products/solutions offered in your proposal may be a match for our overall marketing strategy and KPIs, it’s also necessary to demonstrate that your audience is exactly who we’re trying to reach. For example, if you’re a travel website, are your viewers more domestic or international? It’s crucial to us that we deliver our clients’ message to the right audience.
What visuals can you include?
A picture is worth a thousand words and go a long way in brightening up a proposal. So be sure to include some visuals, whether they’re in the form of images, charts/graphs or infographics.
The Morgan & Co. team looks forward to reviewing your next proposal!