Success in the utility industry is often defined by J.D. Power’s Customer Satisfaction Study (CSS) results. Fortunately for Cleco Power, at the end of 2020, the brand was prominently ranked in several categories, but had room to grow in a few, and was falling short in others. Not uncommon in this industry, but a clear indication that there was internal and external customer communication work to do.
Analysis revealed that when it comes to Communications, how people get information varies by Cleco service territory. Age can dictate attention spans, while socioeconomics and zip codes impact access to information. These variations were revealed in conjunction with the five categories within J.D. Power CSS, to bring clarity to the audience and their position on electricity.
Corporate citizenship is something we found to be “expected”. In fact, Cleco customers felt it’s a requirement for “big” brands like Cleco to be a great partner to the communities it operates within. With the upside being those brands who are great Corporate Citizens are held in higher regards by customers, stakeholders, and the community as a whole.
Operating under our position that strategy is NOT about buying ads, but instead about addressing the needs of customers, we took several approaches given the five categories. The strategy brought front and center how accidents and dangerous situations come about (Safety); or treat the Cleco brand not as a corporation, but instead as a community organization providing support and goodwill (Corporate Citizenship). When it came to Modernization, arguably an area that the average customer is unfamiliar with, the strategy called for leveraging the parts that make the system more advanced.
Cleco’s territories (Eastern, Southern, Central, Northern) are rather unique, providing a challenge to align with the best media platforms at the most advantageous time periods to achieve goals. To combat, Morgan & Co.’s media team created media buys that utilized both major market media, in addition to more rural media outlets. All supported and complimented via digital and social media platforms.
First out the gate was Corporate Citizenship messaging, leading with radio, print and experiential (airport). By Spring, Cleco Branding messaging launched across popular radio formats throughout Louisiana as well as paid search (PPC), social media (Facebook, Instagram), and digital display and pre-roll video.
Overall Satisfaction, Power, Quality & Reliability, Price, Corporate Citizenship, Billing & Payment, Communications and Customer Care.
In Communications and #3 in Corporate Citizenship.
In Q2 at a score of 817 vs. ranked #5 at 791 in Q1.
Out of 135 Participating Utilities in both Communication and in Corporate Citizenship rankings.
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