It’s not uncommon for us to hear from clients who are frustrated because a past customer or guest of theirs turned to another company for a service that the client could have provided if the customer had known it was an option.
For example, let’s say your medical spa is known for its facial services but also provides full-service esthetics and massages. Your customer is a loyal patron of your facial services but goes to another spa for massages and other body treatments. These are services that your spa could have provided if the customer had known that your spa offers them as well.
In advertising, we refer to this as “funnel leakage”; you paid to convert this client, had them in your conversion funnel, and then lost them. The client has already done business with your spa and trusts you for facial services, but they don’t always know all the ways in which you can serve them. How do you keep them informed? How do you prevent funnel leakage? How do you assure them that you are always their medical spa, regardless of the body treatment?
Continuous client engagement allows you to cross-promote services, educate, and build trust. Why not leverage your existing customer base rather than spending resources on uncharted waters? Continuous communication is key.
Compared to other forms of advertising, continued engagement to retain existing clients is relatively inexpensive. Acquiring a new customer can cost five times more than retaining an existing customer. For this reason alone, it makes sense to stay in touch and continue marketing to your existing clients.
Ways to Engage:
- Email Marketing & Newsletters
Do you have some news about your business? Email marketing is one of the least expensive ways to reach your database of clients and stay in touch. Whether you’re announcing the addition of a new practice area or product, providing tips on how to handle a legal issue, touting a community sponsorship, or simply wishing all your clients a happy holiday season, an email – whether they read it or not – puts your company’s name and news directly in a client’s inbox. They’ll be reminded of your name (at the very least) and hopefully have a positive takeaway from your message.
- Social Media
Hopefully, you’re investing in paid social media, targeting audiences who are likely to need your services for the first or second time. But organic social media is another easy and inexpensive way to stay engaged with former clients. Like email newsletters, social media provides opportunities to share news, educate, and showcase results. You can demonstrate your success by highlighting reviews and showing client testimonial videos. From providing tips to highlighting national days or months that are relevant to your industry, organic social media keeps you connected to those who may have initially found you there while also exposing you to new audiences. Additionally, social media is a platform where clients can easily reach out for more information. “Have questions? Message us!” Sending a direct message is a simple click for them and opens a direct line of communication for you.
- Greeting Cards
When you added a new client to your CRM, you likely collected a good amount of data on them. If you know their birthday or anniversary, a great and inexpensive way to stay in touch is to send a celebratory greeting card. During the holiday season, wishing season’s greetings also gives you a chance to remind your client list of all your services at least once a year.
- Direct Mail
Realtors do a great job of sending direct mail. They let you know what has recently sold in your neighborhood, for how much, and what else is on the market. They want to be top of mind when you need their services. Consider sending a calendar or schedule of the local sports team or upcoming community events. Consider a mailer to former clients that says, “We enjoyed helping you with X. Thank you for trusting us. Did you also know we can help with Y and Z?” Let them know that whatever their needs, you can assist them.
- Swag
From sunglasses and drink koozies to magnets and pens, giving clients inexpensive promotional material in the form of a swag bag will keep your name in their home or car for months or years to come. A t-shirt is a walking billboard. Not only will your clients be reminded of you when they open their drawer, but they’ll also be advertising your services all over town. Handing clients promotional materials like these is an easy way to extend their great experience with your brand.
- Google Reviews
It doesn’t cost anything to ask a client to give you a review. Reviews give your clients an opportunity to reflect on their experience with your brand, and your request shows that you value their opinion. Hand them a QR code that makes it easy and include another one in their swag bag or on a mailer. Positive reviews help with referrals and bring you more business while keeping your clients engaged.
- Sponsorship and Donations
Community engagement is another form of continued client engagement. While the cost of community sponsorships and endorsements can vary (e.g., sponsoring your local NBA team versus donating to the community pickleball league), anything your company can do to be a community partner is something all businesses should be doing anyway. Make the most of your philanthropy and community involvement and talk about it on social media, highlight it in your newsletter, and send out a press release. Beyond the donation or sponsorship, itself, the cost to spread the word is only your time. Choose what’s best for your community, your business, and your size, and show your clients that you’re invested in your community.