As a Digital Media Planner, it’s my job to ensure that our clients are getting the most from their advertising spend. For years, everyone was focused on increasing click through rates and driving as much traffic to their website as possible. It was all about website metrics and on-site conversions. If there wasn’t a way for visitors to purchase a product, we were just stuck touting how many people signed up for a newsletter, downloaded a guide, or watched a long-form video.
It’s great to see people engage with a website, but at the end of the day everyone just wants to know that their money spent on advertising is generating a return. Thanks to advancements in mobile technology we’re now able to get closer to a true return on ad spend. After serving individuals an advertisement on their mobile device, we can follow that specific device and track whether they enter a specific location. Gone are the days where we relied solely on an increase in foot traffic year over year or month over month. Now we know how many of those feet saw an advertisement before stepping foot on your property.
So, let us help make your job easier by giving you numbers that don’t need any translations. Stop trying to explain what a click through rate is to your CEO. Go to meetings with the amount of foot traffic to your store or the number butts in seats or head in beds. Your advertising budget is smaller than you’d like. Let us give the ammunition you need to make next year’s bigger.