Congratulations to Amanda Maynard, Ellyn Davis and RyanJohnson for successfully completing the 4A’s Institute for Advanced Advertising Studies (IAAS) this Spring. This 10-week program is devoted to elevating the account planning and management skills of up and coming agency talent through a fully integrated real-life account “pitch” to a panel of judges, including actual client leadership. This program’s efforts were designed to help Explore Georgia Tourism increase visitation.
Through a weekly instruction program, account teams are advised by agency and industry leaders and are provided real data and instruction from client participants. A significant benefit comes from the team-based interaction over the course of the program, providing real-world challenges, opportunities and interaction with the client and colleagues.
All three participants from Morgan & Co. did an amazing job bringing their existing media strategy, planning and buying skills to their respective teams. At the same time, working with creative and account managers from agencies around the Southeast strengthened their ability to turn client objectives into comprehensive marketing strategies with measurable results.
Congrats Amanda, Ellyn & Ryan from Morgan & Co. and our clients, who are the true recipients of your hard work.