The world of digital advertising changes rapidly. Every day there are new technologies and opportunities that enhance how brands speak and interact with target audiences. It’s easy to be confused by all of the different options available to marketers across all industries.
Smart marketers know that regardless of the tools in your digital marketing toolbox, there is one critical collaboration: your digital advertising strategy and your social media content strategy.
In this post, we’ll discuss why your social media content should support your digital advertising strategy.
Digital Ad Strategy vs. Social Media Content Strategy
Your digital ad strategy describes the plan of action for reaching your company’s desired goal through paid digital advertising. Your social media content strategy describes the plan of action directing the messages shared across your company’s social media channels.
Too often, these two related strategies operate in a silo, and miss out on opportunities to leverage each other to build audiences and enhance the intended result of the overall digital marketing plan. Here are three ways that social media content can support your digital ad strategy.
It speaks to customers at different phases of the customer journey.
At any given moment, your ideal customer is making his way along the customer journey from Awareness to Consideration to Purchase to Retention to Advocacy. By sharing a variety of messages that speak to various stages in the customer journey, your social media content can prime a potential buyer and move them forward in their journey. The organic social media content feels personalized and they are more likely to be converted when served the paid digital ad.
It inspires future digital ad content.
Social media is social. It involves interaction, and paying attention to how your audience interacts with your company’s social media can inspire future digital ad content. Is a specific type of imagery resonating with your audience? Did a certain post elicit comments and conversation? Engagement is an important indicator of what will perform well with your audience, and can drive high-converting digital advertising.
It enhances digital ad content by continuing the story.
One of the biggest mistakes digital marketers can make is missing out on the opportunity to create social media content that relates to the content promoted in digital ads. For example: If a tourism destination is currently promoting its upcoming fall festival season with paid media, social media content could include posts sharing photos from previous festival seasons, top ten lists of the best festival foods and more. Similarly, if a hospital is serving paid digital ads promoting its short emergency room wait times, social media posts could include profiles on ER professionals and behind-the-scenes content that showcase the hospital’s efficiency without sacrificing premier patient care.
Your company’s social media content and digital ad strategy can work together to create a high-impact, successful campaign. If you’re ready to take your digital ad strategy to the next level, reach out to us. The team at Morgan & Co. is ready to help you make your mark.